Jayne Burrows Counselling and Psychotherapy
St George, Bristol

My Approach

Emotional distress such as anxiety, depression, unmanageable anger etc. can come about through difficult life events, or changes. Another important aspect of why these symptoms arise is connected to the way we have learned -through early relationships and culture– to relate to ourselves, our emotions and to others. Since our culture undervalues emotional life, most of us haven’t had the degree of support needed for us to have and express feelings constructively in our relationships. If we haven’t received this support, instead of knowing how to use our feelings as a guide in our lives, we find ourselves unable to bear them. In an attempt to cope, we may lash out or numb our feelings in various ways, such as through addictions, self-harm, overeating or not eating enough.

Therapy can increase your emotional integration (a fuller awareness of your thoughts, feelings and intuitions – and your ability to use these to guide you), thereby easing your symptoms. Other life issues, such as loss or relationship break-ups, are a part of life for everyone, but how we each get through these experiences is again partly related to our emotional development. We are all on a spectrum of less/more emotionally integrated: with more integration, we still encounter life challenges, but we can recover more quickly. The therapy relationship that we build can expand the choices you have, and help you find a way to be with yourself and others more constructively and satisfyingly.

I am a Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapist- which means I have been taught a wide range of theories from the Humanistic and Psychoanalytic schools. The theories that most influence my work are:

Intersubjective Systems Theory (IST) - a form of contemporary relational psychoanalysis. This theory connects with my paragraphs above regarding emotional distress and integration. Our psychological/emotional development forms through the emotional responsiveness of our caregivers. This shapes our ways of being and relating to ourselves and others throughout life, affecting our self- esteem, how anxious/ depressed we feel, how much we can feel our feelings and use them to help us in life. We are all formed through our early relationships, and can potentially be transformed through the therapeutic relationship.

Dialogical Gestalt – Again is a relational approach, the basic stance being that the healing happens over time through the ‘meeting’ with the therapist. To be 'met' - is to be seen and understood deeply.
‘The human heart yearns for contact - above all it yearns for genuine dialogue.’
Rich Hycner.

Body Psychotherapy- Sometimes feeling are translated into a somatic (body) experience like a headache, e.g. you may have a headache then when we explore the sensations of the headache you may discover a feeling there, perhaps sadness, or anger, once this is consciously connected with, expressed and understood, you find your headache has eased. We can think about what’s happening in our lives, but as we get in touch with our felt experience-our body and our feelings then often deeper shifts occur in the process, and insights and understanding can emerge.

Carl Rogers – Believed that certain core-conditions when present in the cousellor/ therapist led to healing. These conditions are empathy, unconditional positive regard (acceptance) and congruence (realness). He also identified the need to support clients to come back to their own 'locus of evaluation' - finding the answers within themselves, rather than looking outside for answers.

A widely held view is that the particular theoretical approach that a practitioner uses is less important than the quality of relationship created between the client and therapist; this is what contributes to healing. So although the above theories influence me, I'm responding to the unique relationship created between my clients and I.

Getting in Touch

Please call or email to ask questions, or to have a brief chat before making an appointment. You can make an appointment, by text, email, or phone, whichever suits you. Please leave a message on my mobile number (which is a confidential number), I will get back to you asap.
07527 901 723 click to email

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